Mailbox International for businesses:

Business owners in the USA

Do you sell merchandise on the internet?

Would you like to increase your sales by selling to international customers? We can help.

It is free and very simple. All you have to let the customer know is that you have partnered with Mailbox International on international shipping. You provide a link to our website where the customer can sign up for free. The customer will receive a free account with our discounted shipping rates as offered on our website. The shipping calculator will explain the shipping cost to their country.

Business owners outside the USA

Do you sell product in the USA? Do you pay a lot for international shipping? There is a solution for that. It is called drop shipping. How does it work? You send us your product in bulk. This will greatly reduce the cost of international shipping per item. We store the merchandise for you.

When you sell your item, you send us an email with your client’s information and we will ship it for you.

It will greatly reduce your shipping cost and you can provide faster service to your clients.

Is international shipping risky business?

We do not believe it is, because you can put safety nets in place. Problem is that not all sellers follow these rules. However if you do, and use us as an extra safety net, 99% of the crooks will get caught before merchandise leaves the country. International shipping is our business and we know what we do.

If you have any questions or concerns and would like to discuss these with us, please feel free to send us an email with your contact info to or give us a call at 417 942 1697 at the office or mobile at 417 818 1029

Make international shipping a safe, secure and no hassle experience and increase your sales volume substantially by accepting international clients.